Multi-stage high pressure pumps
- Horizontal / vertical centrifugal pump MP, MPA, MPB, MPV
- Horizontal / vertical centrifugal pump with intermediate removal P, pVa
- Horizontal centrifugal pump MPE
High-pressure multistage centrifugal pumps are also used as feed water / condensate pumps in systems of boiler houses, power stations and district heating plants or as cooling water pumps in the cooling circuit systems of nuclear power plants. Everywhere they have to meet the very high operational requirements.
For the protection of high-pressure centrifugal pumps pump protection valves are used which operate automatically (without power supply) and guarantee the required minimum flow rate of the pump.
According to customer we take care of such sophisticated equipment installation, alignment and commissioning of pumps with / without protective pump fittings.
Maintenance and repair is done by appointment.
Service to external pumps also possible.